Certificates and their validation

A candidate receives a Certificate of the Matriculation Examination following the examination period when all the five required tests have been passed. Starting in June 2023, the candidate receives the certificate also in digital format. The digital certificates have been verified by the Matriculation Examination Board with a digital signature.

In addition to the Certificate of the Matriculation, which is ocean blue in colour, the candidate can request for a Certificate of Approved Grades if they are yet to graduate. These certificates are white in colour and also available on paper and in digital format (pdf-file). 

Read more about validating the certificate below.

Finnish Certificate of the Matricularion Examination and the Certificate of Approved Grades.
Models of the new certificates: the Certificate of the Matriculation on the left and the Certificate of Approved Grades on the right. Image: Ylioppilastutkintolautakunta.

Validating a Matriculation Examination Certificate 

  1. Go to the Digital and Population Data Services agency's web service

  2. Select the document according to the instructions on the page 

  3. Check the following items: 

    1. There is only one signature on the page and the CA is EU-accredited

    2. The signatory is the Matriculation Examination Board 

  4. If this information matches, the certificate along with all its contents is authentic.

  5. If this information does not match, the certificate may not be authentic. Please contact the Matriculation Examination Board. 

An example of a successful validation can be seen below.

Screenshot from the validation service.
An example of a successful validation of a Matriculation Examination Certificate.