Tests in the Examination


Each test day lasts six hours. The tests for mother tongue and literature in Finnish and Swedish are composed of tests on two separate days (12 hours in total), and failure to attend both will result in a fail.

Mother Tongue and Literature Test

Candidates may take the mother tongue and literature test in:

  • Finnish
  • Swedish
  • Northern Sámi
  • Inari Sámi
  • Skolt Sámi
  • Finnish as a second language1
  • Swedish as a second language1 

[1] If the candidate's mother tongue is not Finnish, Swedish or Sámi and the candidate has studied according to the syllabus in guestion, or if the candidate uses sign language as mother tongue or first language.

Mathematics Test

Candidates may take the mathematics test at one or both of the following levels:

  • Basic level
  • Advanced level

Second National Language Test

Candidates may take the second national language test in:

  • Finnish, intermediate level
  • Finnish, advanced level
  • Swedish, intermediate level
  • Swedish, advanced level
  • Mother tongue and literature, Finnish2
  • Mother tongue and literature, Swedish2

[2] Instead of a test in the second national language, a candidate may take a test in mother tongue and literature in the corresponding language

Foreign Language Test

Candidates may take the foreign language test in:

  • English, advanced level
  • English, basic level
  • French, advanced level
  • French, basic level
  • German, advanced level
  • German, basic level
  • Inari Sámi, basic level
  • Italian, basic level
  • Latin, basic level
  • Latin, extended basic level3
  • Northern Sámi, basic level
  • Portuguese, basic level
  • Russian, advanced level
  • Russian, basic level
  • Skolt Sámi, basic level
  • Spanish, advanced level
  • Spanish, basic level
  • Mother tongue and literature, Inari Sámi4
  • Mother tongue and literature, Northern Sámi4
  • Mother tongue and literature, Skolt Sámi4

[3] Will be organised the last time in spring 2025

[4] Instead of a foreign language test, a candidate may sit a mother tongue and a literature test in Sámi language

Humanities and Natural Sciences Test

Candidates may take the humanities and natural sciences test in:

  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Evangelic-Lutheran religion
  • Geography
  • Health education
  • History
  • Orthodox religion
  • Philosophy
  • Physics
  • Psychology
  • Social studies
  • Worldview studies

Description of Tests

Mother Tongue and Literature

The test in mother tongue and literature is organised in Finnish, Swedish, and in three Sámi languages. A candidate whose mother tongue is not Finnish, Swedish or Sámi, or who uses sign language as first language, can replace the mother tongue and literature test with the test based on the syllabus for Finnish or Swedish as a second language and literature.

The test for Finnish and Swedish languages and literature is divided into two parts: a reading comprehension test and a writing skills test. The Sámi mother tongue and literature test only include a writing skills test.

Reading Comprehension Test

The reading comprehension test assesses the candidate's critical and cultural reading skills, which include the ability to analyse, interpret, assess, and utilise diverse texts while being aware of their purposes, expressions, and contexts. Tasks may include analysing the meanings, structures, expressions, themes, reception, context, and relationships of texts provided as sources.

The test has two parts. Part I focuses on informational and media texts, while Part II focuses on literary and other fictional texts. Each part has two tasks available, and the candidate must choose one task from each part, resulting in a total of two tasks for the reading comprehension test. Part I emphasizes analytical and critical reading skills. Part II tasks for literary and other fictional texts may involve analysing and interpreting texts and their expressions, comparing texts, interpreting them from a specific perspective, or considering them in relation to their time or genre context. Part II emphasizes skills in interpreting texts.

Writing Skills Test

The writing skills test assesses the candidate's ability to express themselves in writing, as well as their ability to articulate thoughts and manage complex topics. The task is to produce a reflective or opinionated text using the provided sources. The test has a broad theme related to Finnish or Swedish language and literature or to the comprehensive skills in the general upper secondary school curriculum, along with 5–7 topics related to the theme. The candidate chooses one topic, specifies or narrows their perspective, and writes a text using related source materials.

The test provides 6–8 source materials related to the theme, such as informational, media, and fictional texts in various forms. The student chooses the most suitable sources for their topic and perspective and must use at least two sources in their text. The recommended length for the text is approximately 6,000 characters without spaces, although this is not a strict requirement.


The tests in the second national language (Swedish or Finnish) are arranged at advanced level and intermediate level. The foreign language tests in English, French, German, Russian and Spanish are arranged at advanced level and basic level. In addition, tests at basic syllabus level are arranged in Italian, Inari Sámi, North Sámi, Skolt Sámi, Latin and Portuguese. The test in Latin is also organised at extended basic level, which is not equivalent to the advanced level of the other foreign languages. Starting in autumn 2025, only the test at basic level will be organised.

In most languages the test consists of two parts, the listening comprehension test and the test of written comprehension and production, in which candidates will answer on the same day.

The tests in Inari Sámi, North Sámi, Skolt Sámi, Latin and Portuguese do not include a listening comprehension test.

The test of written comprehension and production consists of three parts. Test items can be, for example, multiple-choice questions, cloze tests, open questions, summaries, and translation or description assignments. In tests of advanced level candidates also write an assignment of 7001,100 characters (in the English and Finnish tests 7001,300 characters). In tests of intermediate and basic level candidates write one shorter assignment (160240 characters) and one longer assignment (300450 characters).

Humanities and Natural Sciences

Each subject in the field of humanities and natural sciences has its own test in the Matriculation Examination. Every examination period has two separate test days for the tests in humanities and natural sciences. On the first test day, candidates may take a test in psychology, philosophy, history, physics, or biology. On the second test day they may take a test in Evangelic-Lutheran religion, Orthodox religion, worldview studies, social studies, chemistry, geography, or health education. The candidate can only sit one test a day, so they can take a maximum of two tests during one examination period.

The number of questions in a test depends on the subject. In physics, chemistry and biology, the candidate answers a maximum of seven questions out of eleven. In the rest of the subjects, the candidate answers a maximum of five questions out of nine.

In the digital tests in humanities and natural sciences, the maximum score is 120 points. The digital tests feature different modules that may include several questions and vary in type and complexity. Some questions may be compulsory. Test items may be traditional essay questions, multiple-choice questions, drawing assignments, data analyses, and combinations of these. Test items can also feature more diverse background material than in traditional paper tests. Questions may include text, pictures, videos, audio recordings, maps, animations and statistics. The maximum score for a test item will vary between 15 and 30 points.


The mathematics test is arranged at two different levels of difficulty; the advanced level and the basic level. The candidate may choose which level test to take, regardless of their studies in general upper secondary education.

The tests have 813 questions of which the candidate must complete 610 depending on the total amount of questions. Each question scores a maximum of twelve points. From autumn 2024 onwards, the test at basic syllabus level will also have some questions that score a maximum of 18 points. 

The tests comprise of two sections: Part A and Part B. Initially, candidates are limited to utilising basic calculator software in the exam environment. Candidates choose when they wish to conclude Part A, at which point they gain access to advanced calculator software to answer questions in Part B.